Best CBD infused energy drinks on the market and what are the laws when purchasing outside of legal states.

Since food scientists discovered how to isolate CBD in hemp, the numerous medicinal properties of CBD have been discovered and praised by athletic trainers, doctors, therapists, and the disabled the nation over. CBD derived from marijuana is still illegal, and cannot be transported within or across states at all, so you can only legally buy CBD if it is from hemp. 

By the year 2022, investors expect the CBD industry in the United States alone to rise more than $22 billion and over $80 billion by 2030. In recent years, the FDA relaxed and reserved several laws against adding CBD in foods and drinks. Because of these new policy changes, there is now a growing number of foods and beverages with CBD as an ingredient. There are even a few restaurants across the country that add marijuana to their recipes. 

Today, as of March 2020, we have found the five best CBD infused energy drinks on the market, and we researched the purchasing laws outside of legal states. Some states don’t allow you to purchase CBD foods, but you can have them while other states do not allow them to be in possession. We’ve compiled a list of states and their rules around CBD.  

Top 5 CBD-infused energy drinks on the US market 

Joy Organics 

This company has several types of energy drinks available, and they also carry energy drinks with CBD in powder form that can be added to your bottled water.  

Kona Gold Hemp Energy Drinks 

12oz cans and comes in 7 different flavors. It comes with a small amount of CBD, so if you want a higher dosage, you’ll have to add more.  

Gorilla Hemp CBD Energy Drink 

Gorilla Hemp is the newest energy drink available, as it only became available in January 2020. It contains about 15mg of CBD per can.  

The Hemp Doctor CBD Energy Drink Mix 

Made exclusively in powder form, this company is dedicated to purchasing CBD from US only hemp growers. 

Black Rain Focus & CBD Energy Drink Mix 

While this energy drink is not well known, their energy+CBD mixes are always organic and contain vitamins and minerals to improve the health of their mix. 

While we researched the laws for purchasing CBD products outside of legal states, we came across possession laws in each state. Possession laws are laws against having CBD on your person or in your home of vehicle. Even if you didn’t buy it, having CBD is illegal. 

As of March 2020, Oregan is the only state where CBD infused products can be purchased in grocery stores. 

In Alaska, consumers can buy CBD, but it cannot be sold if it is infused inside food or drinks.  

In IowaSouth Dakota, and Nebraska, CBD is illegal in all forms and cannot be purchased, shipped, or transported in from another state.  

In AlabamaIowaGeorgiaKansas, you can only possess CBD if you have a prescription from a doctor, and you have a debilitating disease. So if you have a doctor’s note, but you don’t have a debilitating illness, you can be arrested or fined.  

In MississippiKentucky, you can have CBD if you have a doctor’s prescription. There is no disease requirement.  

If a state was not listed in this article, then it’s a state where CBD is entirely legal and obtained without a prescription. 

In conclusion 

In the next decade, hemp CBD legalization will occur in more states and restrictions will weaken as state residents vote in favor of it. More legalization will also impact the energy drink industry, and we might see large chains like a Monster and Red Bull, creating CBD energy drinks. 


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